Consequently, we can always offer the customer the best solution in the right moment in time. Besides our retail facilities in China, we have sales offices in the United States and Europe. Combined with our sales offices overseas, we employ 2.500 ambitious people that are waiting to fulfill your needs. So take part in making the world a better place!

On this we rely only on the most innovative and dependable LED technology available. Due to the application of LED technology, we protect the environment. In comparison to a normal light bulb a LED light is more efficient in terms of energy use and resource consumption. We are well known for our wide range of products that perfectly suit our customers’ needs. The product range includes outdoor and indoor light solutions. The biggest part makes stationary light solutions. We produce LED lights for the illumination of whole buildings, gardens/landscapes, architectural features.
Innovations and product improvements are realized at our own Research and Development department. We have ongoing collaborations with the most renowned universities in China to push forward the development of new technologies and simultaneously bringing them to the market. By implementing a quality management system that is aligned to the whole value chain, we assure the highest quality standards in our products. To detect and forecast the ever changing customer needs, we have our own Marketing department.
LED Solutions by i-Lighting Online